Here's why your company will love Harriet

Harriet connects your existing systems and brings them to where your team are already hanging out - in chat

Systems connection (1)

Connect your chat

Harriet consolidates your tools and brings them to where your employees are already hanging out - in chat.

Connect your data sources

What's out maternity policy? How do I give feedback? Harriet pulls information from wherever you keep it. All your info is a message away.

Need another integration? Let us know!

Connect your HR tools

Harriet integrates with your accounting and HR software. No need to train your team on multiple platforms. Don't bother logging in - just ask Harriet.

Need another integration? Let us know!

Connect to your ticketing system

Already have a ticketing system in place? No problem. Harriet can pass information to internal or third party systems.

  • IFTT Logo


  • # Webhook


  • Zapier Logo


Need another integration? Let us know!